Grade Descriptions

  • Canterbury Premier League (CPL)

    This is the top club level in the Canterbury competition. It is for experienced senior players wishing to play competitively at the top level. Games are played on Saturdays and this team trains twice a week

    Registrations are currently open

  • Division One

    Division 1 is our premier reserve grade and a pathway to our CPL team. This competitive grade is best suited to university students or top level school players, who can commit to one training per week and a game on Saturdays.

    Registrtions are currently open

  • Sunday League

    Previously known as Division Two, plays on a Sunday. There is a premiership and a championship division. This grade is suited to players progressing out of the platinum competition, still looking to play competitive hockey. This grade can also act as a pathway to Division One. Each team in this grade also has one training during the week.

  • Platinum

    To be elligble for platinum, you must be year 9-13 at school. If you are in year 9 or 10, you must play in this grade as per Canterbury Hockey regulations. This grade consists of 3 levels, so there is a place available for all levels of ability, whether you are aspiring to make our top level senior teams in the future, or just wanting to play with friends. Games are played on Sundays, and each team has one training during the week.

  • Mid-week Open (MWO)

    MWO women’s games are played on Tuesday nights. This grade consists of three levels, with Harewood usually entering one team in each grade, meaning all skill levels are welcome. These teams do not have a training. This grade can be perfect for university aged students or older ex hockey players looking for a fun and competitive way to continue playing hockey during the winter without the stress of trainings. MWO is a great way to continue playing the sport you love while balancing your study, family or work commitments.